You're not listening

You're not listening...
You're not listening...
How many signs must I give you, before you will settle down and hear my voice?
Are my storms not enough to force you to quiet down and cling to those you love?
I thought that the hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, cyclones, and blizzards would have made it obvious, but I guess I am wrong.
You need to slow down and redirect your focus.
You are so very smart, but your desire to progress and advance at such a rapid pace has spun out of control and you have lost your innate focus.
You're not listening.
You have allowed your wants to become needs and your desire to have everything has enslaved you to your work. Despite your intelligence you have failed to recognize my signs.
I tried to blind you by my blizzards of snow.
I tried to jolt you by my earthly shakes.
I tried to redirect you with my storms of wind.
Yet you still don't listen.
Greed and selfishness are preventing you from seeing my signs and hearing my voice.
I want you to slow down and experience the joy of being with your family and friends.
I want you to stop your running and embrace the stillness found deep with in your heart.
I want you to reconnect with nature and feel the warmth of my Earth.
Reunite with the natural world and let go of your fears of inadequacy.
Stopping hiding behind technological devices and relinquish your desires for material possessions.
Return to me... breathe my air, swim in my waters, walk high upon my land, and listen to my voice. I will give you everything you will need to live a joyful and fulfilling life.
But know that when you stop listening and lose your sense of direction I will become a global presence that cannot be ignored.
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