Monday, September 22, 2008

Responding to your questions...

1. (Jackie) How many miles are in each latitude/longitude coordinate degree? Jackie, I will have to look up the answer to your question regarding latitude and longitude.

And will the hours of sunlight increase or decrease and will your hours eventually be less than we have in Morristown?
The amount of sunlight will decrease just as in Morristown as we get closer to the inter solstice.

2. (Isamar) Does six more minutes to your day affect you in anyway? No not at all.

Also, what sorts of food are you eating? Typical American foods... salad, pasta, bread, meat...

3. (Jack) What does the 54'24" mean? degrees, minutes, seconds in terms of latitude & longitude.

4. (Kelsey) Have you met the native people? Met no, seen yes. If you have, how are they treating you?

5.(Mike) Any polar bears yet?????????? none yet... bummer


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